Cartoon Affinity Photo


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Disciplines > Photography > Affinity Photo > The InAffinity Video Index > A Quick and Easy Cartoon Effect

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Here's a really quick and easy way to produce a cartoon effect using Affinity Photo. If you know where you're going, you can do it in less than a minute!


Click image to watch on YouTube:


Publication Date: 3-Nov-18

Duration: 2:07

See also

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  1. Using Custom Image Editors (New for v4.1) Cartoon Animator combines intuitive animation tools with mainstream drawing software and renown WACOM tablest to swiftly turn illustrations into animations. Users can use their favorite PSD editor (Photoshop, Krita, Affinity, Clip Studio, Painter) to modify characters, props and scenes to animate in Cartoon Animator.
  2. Here's a really quick and easy way to produce a cartoon effect using Affinity Photo. If you know where you're going, you can do it in less than a minute! Click image to watch on YouTube: Detail. Publication Date: 3-Nov-18. Affinity Photo Tutorials on Art Style.

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Cartoon Affinity Photo

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Disciplines > Photography > Affinity Photo > The InAffinity Video Index > A Quick and Easy Cartoon Effect

Summary | Video | Detail | See also Download adobe audition cs6 mac.


Here's a really quick and easy way to produce a cartoon effect using Affinity Photo. If you know where you're going, you can do it in less than a minute!


Click image to watch on YouTube:


Publication Date: 3-Nov-18

Duration: 2:07

See also

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Cartoon Affinity Photo

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