I'm using the pandoc-mode package for easy conversion between multiple formats. I set the pdf-engine option in pandoc-mode to xelatex, but when I am trying to convert a markdown file to a PDF, pandoc-mode always uses the latex PDF engine, which, by default, does not include support for UTF-8 characters. Pdf-engine-opt= STRING. Use the given string as a command-line argument to the pdf-engine. For example, to use a persistent directory foo for latexmk ’s auxiliary files, use -pdf-engine-opt=-outdir=foo. Note that no check for duplicate options is done. Citation rendering-C, -citeproc.
[makePDF] temp dir:
[makePDF] Command line:
pdflatex '-halt-on-error' '-interaction' 'nonstopmode' '-output-directory' '/private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.2846' '/private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.2846/input.tex'
[makePDF] Environment:
[makePDF] Contents of /private/var/folders/65/gpz82csd1_s358m496fk0ff5lmh3lj/T/tex2pdf.2846/input.tex:
Would really appreciate some help with this if anyone has any ideas.