At a glance
How Can I Make a Shortcut Icon for the Desktop on My PC? Part of the series: Computer Icons & Desktops. You can make a shortcut icon for the desktop by right clicking any empty space. Find out how you can make a shortcut icon for the desktop with help from an experienced computer professional in this free video clip. Early alpha preview of Shortcat, a keyboard productivity app that let's you use the keyboard for where you would normally use the mouse.
Our Verdict
Nearly two decades after it first made an appearance on my desk, the mouse has yet to gain my favors. Modern graphical-user interfaces (GUIs) make its use practically mandatory, but I use it only when I have no other choice.
My dislike for pointing and clicking is not just a matter of reliving the good old days, when the only way to use computers was to type for hours on end—uphill, both ways—but rather a simple consequence of the fact that, unlike the mouse or trackpad, a keyboard gives me haptic feedback that allows me to type without looking.
I mention all this to help explain why Shortcat caught my eye. This little utility promises to let you use the keyboard to perform many operations, such as clicking textual links on a Web page, that normally require a pointing device.
Shortcat adds a systemwide menu to your menu bar (though you can turn this off) and lets you choose a global keyboard shortcut (I stuck with the default Command+Shift+Space). When you press that shortcut, Shortcat displays a small text-input box at the bottom of the screen.
As you start typing in the box, the app examines the contents of the active window (which gets a faint outline to confirm which window is being examined) and looks for actionable text items—buttons, checkboxes, files, and so on—that match the text you’ve typed. Shortcat matches in a variety of ways, including the first few letters of a word, or the initials of the words in a phrase (for example, typing LA will match both “later” and “load all”). Shortcat is clever enough to differentiate between regular text and “clickable” text (onscreen elements that can be clicked), and it can even detect items that have hidden textual content attached to them, such as clickable images with ALT
tags on a Web page.
Shortcat highlights the first matching item with a very noticeable (but unobtrusive) green, rounded rectangle; if that’s the item you want to “click,” you just press Return. If multiple items match a given query, Shortcat assigns a unique letter to each, displaying that letter in the item’s highlight rectangle. You can quickly select one of those items—and, thus, turn its rectangle green—by pressing Control+[letter]; pressing Return “clicks” the item.
What if an onscreen element requires a double-click? Just press Return twice. And if you would normally use a modifier key when clicking—for example, Control+click or Command+click—you can simply hold down that modifier key while pressing Return to emulate the same action. If, on the other hand, you just want to move the pointer over a green-highlighted onscreen element, without actually clicking on it, you simply tap the Control key by itself.
With this simple mechanism, Shortcat allows you to bypass the use of the mouse completely, as long as the item you wish to activate is visible on the screen and has some sort of textual representation. (Of course, you must be able to tell what that textual representation is—in the case of image links, for example, that can be difficult.)
Shortcat is currently a beta, but I’ve been using it on my main Mac for several weeks and I’ve had very few problems. It has worked well with just about any app I’ve thrown at it, from the Finder to Safari to third-party software and developer tools. I have experienced a few hiccups here and there, mostly due to the fact that some apps were simply built with a focus on mouse usage: In addition to the aforementioned issues with clickable images on webpages, iTunes is somewhat difficult to control at times. (Then again, I have problems using iTunes’s user interface with a mouse, too, so this is unlikely to be a big surprise or a significant problem.)
Shortcat has to dig pretty deep into the operating system to work its magic; thus, although much of its functionality piggybacks on OS X’s Accessibility features, which are robust and well supported, your mileage may vary considerably, depending on the apps you tend to use.
Still, Shortcat is more than worth a try. With very little training, it has the potential to improve your productivity more significantly than you’d expect—and to reduce the stress that using a mouse inflicts on your hand and arm muscles and joints.
(Note that the beta version of Shortcat is free; we don’t yet know what the final version will cost.)
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During the reign of Windows 7, When we install Windows 7 on our PC, it creates “My Computer” Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop automatically. But in the latest Version of Windows 8 or 10, we have to create this “My Computer” Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop manually. Today, we will learn about How to make “My Computer” Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop.
On the other hand, We have to use “File Explorer” instead of “My Computer” or “This PC”. Moreover, Sometimes taskbar disappears and difficult for Windows 7 or 8 users to open the My Computer. Therefore, we need to make “My Computer” Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop.
For Recycle Bin, My Documents, Control Panel Icons on Desktop, we need to do some extra steps.
- Right-Click on Desktop.
- Select Personalize.
- From the left side, Choose Themes.
- Click on Desktop Icon Settings.
- Check on Checkboxes that you want to make Shortcut on Desktop.
- Click Ok to save Changes.
Note: Remember that you can also rename the folder icon from “My Computer” to “This PC”.
Another way to Create This PC Shortcut in Windows 10
The another way to make “My Computer” Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop is too simple. There are two steps to follow:
Step-1 Go to your Desktop and Create My Computer Shortcut Icon
- Right-Click on the empty Area of your Desktop as shown in the above image.
- Go to New in drop Down > Click on Shortcut.
In the New Window, you have to write Commands. There are three different Commands but all works like same. Put any Command in the New Windows and Click on Next.
- %windir%explorer.exe “
- %WinDir%explorer.exe /e,::{20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d}
- explorer.exe shell:::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Put anyone command in the Shortcut Windows and Click on Next. Furthermore, the Shortcut will create on your Desktop.
- Rename the Shortcut Icon to “My Computer” or “This PC”.
Shortcuts On Chromebook
Step-2 Change the Folder Icon Color of My Computer or This PC
Now the Shortcut Icon of My Computer or This PC is not looking good. Therefore, we need to change the Folder icon color in Windows 10 of My Computer Icon. For this,
- Right-Click on the Shortcut Icon Folder “This PC“.
- Open the Properties.
- Click on the “Change Icon“.
- Select the Icon of Your Own Choice.
- Click Ok to save Changes.
Furthermore, we recommend to Change the folder color or make Pic as an Icon of your own Choice.
Also, watch the Video to change the Folder Color that you make “My Computer” Shortcut icon on Windows 10 Desktop.
Short Cat5
Display the “My Computer” Icon on the Desktop in Windows 10 Using Drag and Drop
Drag and Drop are the another way to create My Computer Icon on the Desktop in Windows 10. First of all, Open the File Explorer, from the left side. You have to drag the “This PC” and drop it to the Desktop.
Short Catnip
At last, What is the Conclusion about “My Computer” Desktop Icon?
To make “This PC” shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop, it is easy to excess the files and folders in Windows. Moreover, you can access the local drives through This PC shortcut on Windows 10 Desktop.